A clean restroom will have a positive impact on the ‘bottom line' for any business. Ever had dinner in a nice restaurant only to discover that restroom is a total disaster? It certainly removes some of the dining pleasure and puts a checkmark on the ‘not so nice’ side of the ledger for the establishment.

The same is true for all businesses. A dirty restroom makes a negative statement that visitors and customers apply to the business as a whole.

A recent article from Cleanlink shares some interesting perceptions about public restrooms. It’s hard to imagine why any public washroom located within a business could be neglected on the cleaning side when there are so many easy cleaning solutions.

“An unpleasant restroom can also translate into lost sales since 64 percent of Americans say they’ll either think twice about patronizing the business or will never frequent it again. The top restroom complaints were: a really bad smell (cited by 82 percent); toilets that were clogged or not flushed (79 percent); and an overall appearance that’s dirty, unkempt or old (73 percent).”

The next time you are making the case for Steam Cleaning you may want to share the insights from this article. After all, steam tackles, odors, kills germs, and makes everything shiny and bright.